REVIEW: Bachelorette: Mean Girls As Bridesmaids Kind Of Sucks
Posted by SoberFilmChick on Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Under: 0.12% Hard Liquor

Directed by: Leslye Headland
Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, Lizzy Caplan, Adam Scott, James Marsden, and Rebel Wilson
Well color me disappointed. I have seen promos for Bachelorette On Demand for the last few weeks and I was incredibly excited to see the movie. The film features some of my favorite comedic actors: Isla Fisher, James Marsden, and Adam Scott (fresh off of a hilarious turn in Friends with Kids). Moreover, it was produced by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay. How could it not be a rip-roaring good time? Unfortunately, with a horrible plot, annoying characters and unfunny dialogue, even this dream team could not save Bachelorette.
But let’s start at the beginning. Becky (Rebel Wilson) is having lunch with one of her high school friends Regan (Dunst) when she announces that she is engaged. Regan cannot believe that Becky is getting married before she is. Becky eats whatever she wants and is chubby; and Regan eats cobb salads without the chicken and the bacon. Regan is furious that Becky is beating her down the aisle, and even more ticked off that she has to pretend to be happy for her and help Becky plan the wedding. Regan immediately calls the other members of the friendship circle Gena (Lizzy Caplan) and Katie (Isla Fisher) to share the news. Katie appears genuinely happy for Becky, but is more excited about the opportunity to party. Gena is not enthusiastic and only agrees to come to the wedding because her ex-high school sweetheart Clyde (Adam Scott) will be in attendance.
On the night before the wedding, all of the ladies are in town for the dress rehearsal and bachelorette party. To spice things up Gena and Katie do a little cocaine before the party. At the dress rehearsal dinner, Gena gives a toast referencing the bride’s bulimia and Katie uses her toast to ask if anyone has seen her missing cell phone. Things go from bad to worse when they move from the embarrassing rehearsal dinner to the bachelorette party. Katie surprises Becky with a stripper and the fun is on. Unfortunately, the stripper calls Becky “Pigface” mid-lap dance. Apparently, Katie and Gena thought it would be hilarious for the stripper to call Becky by her high school nickname during the routine. Becky becomes upset and the bachelorette party ends abruptly.
Regan, Gena and Katie are not quite ready for the party to end. As they sit around the hotel room whining about how awful the wedding is, they decide to try on Becky’s dress. As a joke, they say that it is so huge two people could fit in it and as two of them get in the dress, it rips. The rest of the night, the three run around town trying to get the dress fixed.
Bachelorette was not an entertaining film. The film is akin to Mean Girls meets the Hangover, which in theory sounds funny, but it is not. Simply put, the three main characters are a bunch of selfish b*tches. I’m fine with that, but at least they could be funny about it. (As a sidebar, I usually do not refer to women with that term, but there is no other way to describe them). Regan is a complete narcissist. She is so caught up in why she isn’t getting married, she could care less about Becky’s nuptials and can barely conceal her annoyance with the proceedings. Gena is preoccupied with drugs and past boyfriend drama and it does not appear that she even likes Becky. (Ironically, Caplan’s sarcastic wild girl character was so winning in Mean Girls, but it fails her here). Katie is sweet, but she is pretty much a ditzy bimbo. As I was watching the film, I didn’t see a group of friends; I didn’t see any camaraderie. Thus, it was not enjoyable for me to watch them stumble around all night half-heartedly trying to fix Becky’s dress.
Because the characters lack any redeeming qualities, I could not bother to become interested in their storylines. I just wanted the hour and thirty minutes that I had to suffer through this study in self-absorption to go by as quickly as possible. If you want to torture yourself, throw back some tequila shots and check out Bachelorette.

Directed by: Leslye Headland
Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher, Lizzy Caplan, Adam Scott, James Marsden, and Rebel Wilson
Well color me disappointed. I have seen promos for Bachelorette On Demand for the last few weeks and I was incredibly excited to see the movie. The film features some of my favorite comedic actors: Isla Fisher, James Marsden, and Adam Scott (fresh off of a hilarious turn in Friends with Kids). Moreover, it was produced by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay. How could it not be a rip-roaring good time? Unfortunately, with a horrible plot, annoying characters and unfunny dialogue, even this dream team could not save Bachelorette.
But let’s start at the beginning. Becky (Rebel Wilson) is having lunch with one of her high school friends Regan (Dunst) when she announces that she is engaged. Regan cannot believe that Becky is getting married before she is. Becky eats whatever she wants and is chubby; and Regan eats cobb salads without the chicken and the bacon. Regan is furious that Becky is beating her down the aisle, and even more ticked off that she has to pretend to be happy for her and help Becky plan the wedding. Regan immediately calls the other members of the friendship circle Gena (Lizzy Caplan) and Katie (Isla Fisher) to share the news. Katie appears genuinely happy for Becky, but is more excited about the opportunity to party. Gena is not enthusiastic and only agrees to come to the wedding because her ex-high school sweetheart Clyde (Adam Scott) will be in attendance.
On the night before the wedding, all of the ladies are in town for the dress rehearsal and bachelorette party. To spice things up Gena and Katie do a little cocaine before the party. At the dress rehearsal dinner, Gena gives a toast referencing the bride’s bulimia and Katie uses her toast to ask if anyone has seen her missing cell phone. Things go from bad to worse when they move from the embarrassing rehearsal dinner to the bachelorette party. Katie surprises Becky with a stripper and the fun is on. Unfortunately, the stripper calls Becky “Pigface” mid-lap dance. Apparently, Katie and Gena thought it would be hilarious for the stripper to call Becky by her high school nickname during the routine. Becky becomes upset and the bachelorette party ends abruptly.
Regan, Gena and Katie are not quite ready for the party to end. As they sit around the hotel room whining about how awful the wedding is, they decide to try on Becky’s dress. As a joke, they say that it is so huge two people could fit in it and as two of them get in the dress, it rips. The rest of the night, the three run around town trying to get the dress fixed.
Bachelorette was not an entertaining film. The film is akin to Mean Girls meets the Hangover, which in theory sounds funny, but it is not. Simply put, the three main characters are a bunch of selfish b*tches. I’m fine with that, but at least they could be funny about it. (As a sidebar, I usually do not refer to women with that term, but there is no other way to describe them). Regan is a complete narcissist. She is so caught up in why she isn’t getting married, she could care less about Becky’s nuptials and can barely conceal her annoyance with the proceedings. Gena is preoccupied with drugs and past boyfriend drama and it does not appear that she even likes Becky. (Ironically, Caplan’s sarcastic wild girl character was so winning in Mean Girls, but it fails her here). Katie is sweet, but she is pretty much a ditzy bimbo. As I was watching the film, I didn’t see a group of friends; I didn’t see any camaraderie. Thus, it was not enjoyable for me to watch them stumble around all night half-heartedly trying to fix Becky’s dress.
Because the characters lack any redeeming qualities, I could not bother to become interested in their storylines. I just wanted the hour and thirty minutes that I had to suffer through this study in self-absorption to go by as quickly as possible. If you want to torture yourself, throw back some tequila shots and check out Bachelorette.
In : 0.12% Hard Liquor
Tags: "kirsten dunst" "isla fisher" "rebel wilson" "lizzy caplan" "adam scott" "james marsden" movie movies review reviews film films entertainment cinema
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