When the Game Stands Tall
Directed By: Thomas Carter
Starring: Jim Caviezel, Laura Dern, Michael Chiklis, Alexander Ludwig, and Clancy Brown
These August movies are really starting to get to me. Good movies are just hard to find in this climate. With Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reigning supreme for the last two weeks at the box office, it's a moviegoer's worst nightmare come true. As I make my way to the next wave of torturously bad flicks, I begin with a high school football film, this week... Continue reading ...
REVIEW: In the War of Words and Pictures, the Love Between Honors English Teacher Jack Marcus & Honors Art Instructor Dina Delsanto Wins
Words and Pictures
Directed By: Fred Schepisi
Starring: Clive Owen, Juliette Binoche, Amy Brenneman, and Keegan Connor Tracy
Movie critics can be so snarky and judgmental. I know I'm saying this in the strangest of places — a movie review — but sometimes my fellow critics just hate a film to hate it. As I was wrapping up my review of this weekend's Words and Pictures, I took a look at Rotten Tomatoes and saw that a film that I actually quite enjoyed sits at a lowly 40%. I saw comments ess... Continue reading ...
REVIEW: In The Spectacular Now, Paper Girl Aimee Finecky Gets Alcoholic Sutter Keely to Write One Hell of a Personal Statement On Hardship
Posted by James Brown on Saturday, August 10, 2013,
In :
0.00% Water
The Spectacular Now
Directed By: James Ponsoldt
Starring: Miles Teller, Shailene Woodley, Brie Larson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Kyle Chandler
The summer of coming-of-age movies is coming to a close. Before we say adios, I'd just like to say that it's been a fun ride. With films like Mud, The Kings of Summer, and The Way, Way Back, we simply haven't gone wrong. The closer for this summer is James Ponsoldt's The Spectacular Now, a daring comedy-drama that puts a new me... Continue reading ...